Isadora Medley's profile

Glidden #WatchingPaintDry Periscope Stunt

Glidden #WatchingPaintDry Periscope Stunt

We needed to grab people's attention and get them talking about Glidden, spreading the word that their paint delivers beautiful results for under $25 a gallon. We had a small budget and a crazy idea: crash the existing #watchingpaintdry conversation on Twitter and turn it on its head. Use the brand-new platform Periscope to transform a mundane activity into a must-watch live-streaming event.

Results: 9.7MM total impressions, 20,000 Periscope hearts, 3,600+ promotion entries, 2,500+ live Periscope viewers, and nearly 2,000 new Twitter followers. Even Adweek tuned in. I'm proud to say that my baby #WatchingPaintDry won an OMMA award and a silver Hatch.
Won the 2015 OMMA Award for Mobile Marketing in a Single Execution
and a Silver Hatch Innovation Award
(That's me cheesin' on the right)
Glidden #WatchingPaintDry Periscope Stunt

Glidden #WatchingPaintDry Periscope Stunt

We crashed the conversation on Twitter about #watchingpaintdry and asked viewers to tune in to a Periscope feed of Glidden paint drying for a cha Read More
